December 12, 2022


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Image for Transfers


The last date to transfer your MCM 2025 bib is September 22, 2025.

After registering, some runners are unable to participate. These runners may opt to transfer their entry to a non-registered runner through the MCMO Transfer Program. Additionally, the transfer program offers registered runners the opportunity to switch between events.

Runners are required to find transfer partners, often brokered on the MCM Facebook page. The MCMO does not participate in this part of the process. When transferring an entry, runners do not receive a refund on registration fees. Any reimbursement of registration fees must be coordinated directly between the transferring runners.

How to switch your category (Event to Event transfer):

Please note, when switching categories, the option is only available for the same weekend events.

  • Go to and login to your participant account.
  • Once logged in, click on “Your Registrations” on the top of the page
  • On the right side of the tile for your registration, click on “View Registration”
  • At the bottom, click on the grey button labeled “Registration Options,” then click on “switch category”

To execute the transfer, please follow these steps:


  • Login to your Haku account: Marine Corps Marathon (
  • Click ‘Your Registrations’
  • Click ‘Edit Registration’
  • Scroll and click ‘Registration Options’ (bottom right size of page)
  • Click ‘Transfer’
  • Enter the name and email address of the person you wish to transfer registration to
  • Select the option to pay the transfer fee or to pass on the transfer fee to the new runner, click “Transfer and Pay $” or “Transfer and Pass Fee” (green button).

At this time, the original runner is removed from the event and placed in the transfer file. The new runner will receive an email with a customized link to complete the transfer.

You can verify a runner’s bib by searching for their name and registration email (You will need the name the current runner registered under). If you are unable to find it, you are welcome to contact for final verification as our Business Team can confirm the registration email or to report the possibility of fraud.

Below are some screenshots of the process. Any runner receiving an official Transfer from another runner will follow a process just like this:


A transfer fee will be charged for runner-to-runner transfers.

Participants transferring to a longer distance event will be responsible to pay the difference in fees.

Participants who choose to transfer to a shorter distance event will not be refunded the difference of fees.

Register for the Marine Corps Marathon Weekend

Recognized for impeccable organization on an iconic course managed by the US Marines in Arlington, VA and the nation’s capital, the Marine Corps Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the US and the world. Known as ‘the best marathon for beginners,’ the MCM is the largest marathon in the world that doesn’t offer prize money, earning its nickname, “The People’s Marathon.” The weekend also offers the Virtual MCM10K and Virtual MCM50K.