August 17, 2018

District Training Crew Rewards Training for MCM

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Image for District Training Crew Rewards Training for MCM

Training for MCM takes commitment, drive, determination, and a definite love for the streets and trails surrounding DC. Pacers, a proud sponsor of the MCM, knows that Washington, DC is one of the best running communities in the country and wants to celebrate your training during these last few months before the big day.

In comes the free virtual training club, the District Training Crew. All local DMV marathoners and 10K runners are invited to join this virtual crew to earn some cool gear while hitting milestones in the last few months of training.

Joining the program is easy! Simply register through Pacers FitRankings platform, connect a fitness tracker of choice, and run the miles. That’s it! The next time you’ll hear from Pacers will be to congratulate you for logging your miles and to invite you in to Pacers Running to collect whatever cool swag you have earned.

Here is the breakdown, hit the following training milestones: 26.2 Miles, 100 Miles, 262 Miles 300 Miles, 400 Miles and celebrate your accomplishments. Once you register you are eligible to come to any Pacers location to pick up your training poster which outlines the milestones you will meet in the coming weeks. Other highlights?

Here is the breakdown:

  • Run 26.2 miles, get $26.20 off your next pair of Brooks running shoes
  • Hit 100 miles, stop by Pacers Navy Yard or Pacers Clarendon and pick up your DTC water bottle (ok, we will have some at all locations for sure but these locations are the hubs for MCM)
  • Pile up 262 miles, celebrate with deals to redeem around town, all of the gifts in this milestone will come right to your inbox to redeem in the District
  • Run 300 miles, pick up your hard earned DTC bandana
  • 400 miles gets you a Brooks special make up DTC custom patch

Fine print: Get the prizes while they are in stock, when they are gone they are gone. This is open to local MCM runners only, because we run DC. You have two weeks from the time you receive your email from FitRankings to redeem your DTC gear.

So be sure to go online and register for the District Training Crew and head out on the trails, the Mall, or the neighborhoods.

Thanks for letting Pacers be part of your training journey. See you out there.

#RunDTC #ForEveryRun

Thanks for visiting this archived blog. The content and details are specific only for the event year highlighted in this article. For current information, please visit the event page within the MCM website.

Register for the Marine Corps Marathon Weekend

Recognized for impeccable organization on an iconic course managed by the US Marines in Arlington, VA and the nation’s capital, the Marine Corps Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the US and the world. Known as ‘the best marathon for beginners,’ the MCM is the largest marathon in the world that doesn’t offer prize money, earning its nickname, “The People’s Marathon.” The weekend also offers the MCM10K and MCM50K.