Hometown Challenge: SMMC

Days Till Event -262
Date of Event 01.01.2024
Gather your running partners for this historical journey in celebration of the first senior enlisted advisor post created of any of the United States military branches.
Image for Hometown Challenge: SMMC
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OMB #0712-0005

Expires on: 11/30/2026

Privacy Act Statement
Authority: 10 U.S.C. 5041, Headquarters, US Marine Corps; Marine Corps Order P1700.27B, Marine Corps Community Services Policy Manual (MCCS); Marine Corps Marathon Charter effective 27 Mar 2007; and SORN MMC00010 and SORN NM01700-1.

Purpose: To register, acknowledge and promote participation in Marine Corps Marathon Organization events. Information is used to plan, organize, coordinate and execute the events and communicate with the runners and volunteers before, during and after the event to include publication of finisher results, finisher certificates and race photographs, videos and motion pictures. Data and photographs, videotape, motion pictures and other recordings may be used by the Marine Corps Marathon Organization and its select sponsors for surveys, publications on websites, race programs and promotions, newspaper articles, newsletters and other race marketing purposes and runner enhancements.

Routine Uses: Information is accessed by Marine Corps Marathon Organization personnel with a need to know to meet the purpose. Information may be provided to television, online and print media to provide publicity on the Marine Corps Marathon Organization events and to selected sponsors approved by the Marine Corps Marathon Organization. A complete list and explanation of the applicable routine uses is published in the authorizing SORN available at https://dpcld.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DOD-wide-SORN-Article-View/Article/570650/mmc00010/.

Disclosure: Voluntary. However, failure to provide the information may result in ineligibility to participate in the Marine Corps Marathon Organization events.

Agency Disclosure Statement –
The public reporting burden for this collection of information, 0712-0005, is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at whs.mc-alex.esd.mbx.dd-dod-information-collections@mail.mil. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.

Tracking your rESULTS

See where you and your team are stacking up on the Leaderboard!

Want to track multiple teams? Simply follow the below instructions:

  • Go to the “Track Your Results” page
  • Click the “Course Map” tab
  • Type in your team’s name as well as any others you would like to track
  • Icons will be show up on the map displaying their progress


In 2023, the United States Marine Corps saw its 20th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SMMC), SgtMaj Carlos A. Ruiz, assume the post. On January 1, 2024, runners will be challenged to travel 10,523.6 scaled miles (one mile run translates to three miles) through the hometowns of each of SMMC. This abstract loop will begin at Tun Tavern, the birthplace of the Marine Corps, and travel counterclockwise ending at the Marine Barracks Washington, the place of duty. Participants will be able to track their mileage through their haku participant account on a map. As the mileage is accumulated, individuals will receive facts about each SMMC and their hometown.

Every individual will receive a branded beanie. With each hometown reached, participants will receive an event coin that commemorates each SMMC. The first 100 registrants will receive an exclusive coin holder perfect for displaying their accomplishment.

Participants will have from January 1 to November 10, 2024, the 249th Birthday of the Marine Corps, to complete the total distance.  


Registration is now closed. Teams are capped at five individuals. Two categories will be offered, running and multisport. Open to domestic only.

Register as a team

Creating a team? Here’s how to do it:

  • Team captain will register first
  • Captain must click the box in the online form to establish and name their team
  • A private link will be created and appear in the captain’s Haku participant account
  • Captain will share this special link with team members
  • Team members will then register via this link to join the team