Marine Corps Marathon

Days Till Event 276
Date of Event 10.26.2025
Recognized for impeccable organization on an iconic course managed by the US Marines in Arlington, VA and the nation's capital, the Marine Corps Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the US and the world. Known as 'the best marathon for beginners,' the MCM is the largest marathon in the world that doesn't offer prize money, earning its nickname, “The People's Marathon.”
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runner’s Guide

All runners and spectators will be screened upon arrival to the start and finish areas on event morning.

Additionally, safety is paramount during the Marine Corps Marathon. If anything unexpected happens during the race that requires a delay, reroute or stoppage, please listen to and obey authorities and race personnel.

Runners Village

Runners Village will be in the North Pentagon Parking Lot. Participants will utilize the Pentagon and Pentagon City metro stations for access.


7:55 am edt

Water points

  • Pre-MCM: At the Runners Village Info Tent located at the North Pentagon Parking Lot.
  • WP 1: Eastbound Lee Highway between Wayne and Adams Streets.
  • WP 2: Intersection of M and 33rd Streets, NW, in Georgetown.
  • WP 3/4: Along Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway at grassy median. Water Point #3 is located in northbound lanes; Water Point #4 is located in southbound lanes.
  • WP 5: Independence Avenue and Ohio Drive SW at West Potomac Park.
  • WP 6: Ohio Drive SW parking area near the end of Hains Point.
  • WP 7: Raoul Wallenburg Place SW and Independence Ave SW
  • WP 8: At Madison Drive NW and 12th Street NW along the National Mall.
  • WP 9: At Jefferson Drive SW and 7th Street SW along the National Mall.
  • WP 10: Near Army-Navy Drive at Eads Street. (Water Point #10 also supports the MCM10K).
  • WP 11:Along Long Bridge Drive in soccer complex parking lot.
  • WP 12: At Lady Bird Johnson parking area on Boundary Channel Drive, in the North Pentagon parking area.
  • Post-MCM: Bottled water from Wegmans and Nuun Endurance will be distributed in the hospitality area.
  • Cupless Station: Self-serve water station on the 14th Street Bridge.
  • Water Monster: Crystal Drive near the Crystal City Metro stop

Nuun Endurance Formula

Nuun Endurance: Lemon Lime flavor  will be available on course at all water points.

Aid stations

  • AS 1: Francis Scott Key Park at the corner of Key bridge and M Street
  • AS 2/3: Along Rock Creek Park north of the Massachusetts Avenue overpass in the median
  • AS 4: Independence Ave SW and Ohio Drive SW in West Potomac Park at the Ericsson Memorial
  • AS 5: Ohio and Buckeye Drive SW underneath the I395 overpass (Case Bridge) on the Washington Channel side of East Potomac Park
  • AS 6: Near the intersection of Raoul Wallenberg and Independence Avenues
  • AS 7: On the SE side of the mall just east of the intersection of 15th St NW and Madison Drive NW in front of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History
  • AS 8: Jefferson Drive SW and 12th Street SW at the Department of Agriculture
  • AS 9: Eads Street Parking lot at Army/Navy Drive
  • AS 10: Parking lot of Public Storage on West side of Long Bridge North of 6th Street S
  • Finish Line and Finish Festival Medical Tents:
    • Bravo, just before the finish at Rt 110 and Marshall Dr.
    • Alpha just past the Finish Line and to the right of the War Memorial
    • Victor is in Charity village
    • Charlie is on the Rt 50 circle
    • Delta is at intersection of  North Lynn and Wilson
    • Echo on the plaza near McDonalds on North Moore street
    • Red Cross Volunteers will be throughout the MCM Finish Festival to assist your medical needs.

Medical Information tent is located at the intersection of Lynn Street and Fairfax Drive. Medical personnel will track runners and record medical data to ensure timely updates are available to families of runners receiving assistance.

MCM Water Station with Flag
MCM Water Cup
MCM Medical Corpsman

Medical Software

When seeking medical assistance during the MCM, a runner’s photo will be taken via Simple Tracking System (STS), a HIPAA-compliant patient tracking and reunification technology, creating a medical record. The record is updated any time the patient’s status or location changes, providing situational awareness and up-to-date information on any runners under medical care. 

Food stations

Your 50th Marine Corps Marathon Food Stations are coming soon!

Finish Line Hospitality:

All runners will receive a banana and bottled water from Wegmans, Nuun Sport: Strawberry Lemonade individually wrapped tablets as well as a hospitality box. Items within the hospitality box:

  • Veggie Sticks from Wegmans
  • Fruit cup from Wegmans

pace groups

Elevated Running and Pacing has come on board as the new pace group partner for MCM Weekend. The pace groups for the MCM will be updated soon.

Elevated Running and Pacing was established in 2021 by two experienced marathoners, ultra runners, and educators to bring together the highest quality pacers who are trained and ready to execute their pacing duties to the highest of standards.  Elevated pace teams bring together pacers from all over the nation and the world and is all about showcasing the highest level of quality while bringing the most fun to runners’ race day experience!


Start: UPS trucks will be located in Runner’s Village in the North Pentagon parking lot. Participants should use the clear plastic bag provided at Packet Pick-up to store personal items on event day. A sticker is provided on the back of the bib. Please place this sticker on your bag and drop your items at the corresponding truck. The trucks will be organized by event and bib number.

Finish: Participants will be able to pick up their baggage from the UPS trucks in Rosslyn at the Finish Festival at the corner of Wilson Blvd and N. Lynn St.


The Marine Corps Marathon features a wide variety of musical entertainment throughout the course. From the first mile to the last, runners and spectators are treated to inspiring artists, motivating music and exciting entertainment.


wear blue: run to remember mile

The iconic on-course experience at the MCM is the wear blue Mile. Located along Haines Point at mile 12 of the MCM course, every step honors the service and sacrifice of the American military. The wear blue Mile is comprised of Faces of the Fallen posters with a photograph and name of each fallen military member. Alongside each poster is an American flag draped with a black ribbon, bearing the name of a fallen military member. A volunteer, often fellow military or families of the fallen service members, holds each flag. The wear blue Mile is a moving tribute and a sobering segment of the Marathon course, intended to honor and humanize those who gave their lives for this country.


All MCM finishers will receive a banana and bottled water courtesy of Wegmans as well as a hospitality box filled with a mix of sweet and salty items to help every runner replenish. The box will also include a Nuun Sport: Strawberry Lemonade tablet, a tasty blend of electrolytes to help you rehydrate.


Visit the interactive 2023 MCM, MCM50K and MCM10K results. The arrow next to a runner’s name offers a drop-down menu providing a clickable link to share results, open an individual finisher page or access finisher certificates. Finisher certificates may be individualized by selecting up to four badges. Finisher certificates may then be downloaded, printed or shared. All results are unofficial until further verification.

2024 Official results are now available!


Finisher certificates

Finisher Certificates may be accessed by clicking the arrow next to a runner name on the results page. Each runner may individualize the certificate by selecting up to four badges that reflect the runner’s experience at the MCM. Options include: First timer, PR, Running in Honor, Marine Spouse and First MCM among others. Certificates feature overall, gender and age group rankings.


Results discrepancy? Absence of data? Please fill out the results adjustment request form below. All results posted on the MCM website immediately after an event are unofficial. Additional time to review all data and finalize the results information is often necessary. MCM results may not be official for several weeks.

data request

To request results not available on MCM website, please email MCM Customer Service.

Use subject line of Results Search.

Please include the following information in your request:

  • Year of the results request
  • Runner full name (please include first, middle and last and remember to use any maiden names)
  • Runner home state at the time
  • Runner approximate age at the time
  • Runner approximate finish time (within a 15-minute range)
  • Your name (if not the runner)
  • Your email

running to qualify

If running the MCM to qualify for the marathon in Boston, please refer to that event’s website for timing standards.

Register for the Marine Corps Marathon Weekend

Recognized for impeccable organization on an iconic course managed by the US Marines in Arlington, VA and the nation’s capital, the Marine Corps Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the US and the world. Known as ‘the best marathon for beginners,’ the MCM is the largest marathon in the world that doesn’t offer prize money, earning its nickname, “The People’s Marathon.” The weekend also offers the MCM10K and MCM50K.